dilluns, 16 d’abril del 2018

Concurs de redaccions

Els alumnes de 6è han participat en un concurs de redaccions a nivell de 6è a la nostra escola. Totes estàn localitzades a l'Amfiteatre de Tarragona i ambientades en fa més de dos mil anys, a l'època romana, aprofitant la visita que vam fer el dia 4 d'abril.
Hi ha sis guanyadors d'un total de  tres categories diferents: 6è A, 6è B i la modalitat d'anglès. Aqui teniu els guanyadors.


Ara us explicaré una historia de fa més de 2.000 anys:
Hi havia una vegada una noia molt forta i valenta que s’enfrontava a tot lo que li passés per davant, com per exemple: una batalla de dragons (cosa que  en aquella època no existien) i sobretot contra lleons. I us preguntareu: qui era aquella noia tan forta i valenta? Doncs molt fàcil, era jo! Però això sí,  a una altra època. No és que tingui més de 2.000 anys ( cosa que si els tingués em conservaria molt bé! No?). Doncs a lo que anava, jo cada batalla m’infiltrava perquè com sabeu les noies no podien lluitar i s'havien de  quedar a casa netejant, i per mi era molt avorrit. Llavors jo m’escapava i anava a l’Amfiteatre i allò era com la meva segona casa ja que jo l’estimava moltíssim. I com jo lluitava cada batalla dia i nit  un dia em van enganxar però com era la més bona de tots em van deixar quedar i a partir d’allí van deixar que les dones que volguessin poguessin lluitar.

Marta Roca Moré  6éA


El meu nom és Unai August, vaig néixer a l'any 27 a.C. a la ciutat de Tàrraco. El meu pare era pescador en un dels ports més importants del món.
Allà es venien els millors peixos i els comerciants arribaven de tot arreu, per vendre teles, espècies i or.
M'encantava estar amb el meu pare, anàvem a les termes a banyar-nos i a veure les lluites de gladiadors.
Jo no volia ser pescador, ni constructor, jo volia ser lluitador.
Per ajudar els meus pares, vaig anar a treballar picant pedres que es necessitaven per construir un aqüeducte que donaria aigua a tota la ciutat.
Tàrraco era una ciutat enorme, tenia els seus banys públics, el seu circ, el seu amfiteatre, els seus arcs, els seus temples.
Vaig conèixer una noia, que després va ser la meva dona, que treballava a les cuines de l'emperador Augusto César i gràcies a ella vaig poder aconseguir el meu somni de ser un gran gladiador.
Unai Muñoz



The last Sunday, 1st of April 259, it was a beautiful and sunny day. My family and I went to the amphitheatre to see the lions show. At first we took a carriage with four horses, one was white, two were black and the last one was brown. The way took thirty minutes, it was a difficult path with some stones. When we arrived, we bought  some bread, water and chocolate to eat during the show. Then we went into the amphitheatre, we bought the tickets and we got our seats. While we were sitting we saw many soldiers with lances, ten minutes later the show started. The lions went out to the arena and they started to fight against the soldiers. It was a very good show, the lions won. When it finished we came back home in the same carriage. We arrived home at six o'clock and my brother and I played marbles in our garden.

Adrià Prenyanosa Tortosa

6º B

                     Bittersweet memories

See you soon dad! I’ll be waiting for you to come back home!
That was the last thing I said to my dad. I was hoping that he would come back, but he didn’t. Why? But that happened a long time ago and I just forgot about it.
Today, something happened when I had to go to the shop. I was walking near the Amphitheatre when I had a bad feeling. “What’s wrong with me?” I thought to myself, but those shivers disappeared as I saw a family on a dark corner. They were very thin and their clothes were very dirty. I thought they were poor so I gave them a slide of bread that I had on my bag and continued my way to the shop, but there were lots of poor people around me. Eventually, I decided to find a way to restore Tarraco and its economy. ‘For the city’, I said. The same feeling that I felt when I was going to the shop returned and it seemed to mean that this would be what dad would have done if he was still alive. Therefore, I had to help Tarraco.
Tarraco was in a bad moment because Roman’s empire was about to disappear:  there was no one controlling the city but chaos. People were poor and some of them were leaving the city. For that reason, I had to find a solution. I everything I needed at the shop and then I returned to my little house, sat on my comfortable chair and put my arms on the desk. It’s a sign that I was thinking but I wasn’t concentred so I couldn’t think. I came outside of the house and I realized that it was late and that I had to have some rest.
The next morning, I got up, ate a slice of bread with some handmade butter and went for a walk to think. I thought about the idea of giving food to the poor people, but I dismissed it because no one would help for free a stranger. But what if people teaches them to make their own food? It would be working for free but it was only teaching, right? With some wood and ink, I prepared some sings to let people know how they could help: ‘HELP US TO STOP POVERTY BY MEETING US ON THE ENTRANCE OF THE AMPHITHEATRE ON THE 23 OF AUGUST’’ I stuck them on the walls of the city hoping that it will work.
The 23 of august I went to the Amphitheatre and I had a shocking surprise: lots of people were there. Some of them were teaching how to cook, some of them were teaching how to get milk from the cows, so I taught them how to make butter. It was a long day but when we finished, I said that we will figure out a way to repair the economy, that I had the solution. But everybody looked at me in a strange way so I returned to home quickly.
The next day I woke up in a different place, and someone with a weapon made of steal and wood explained me that I was sentenced to death because someone told them that I was a witch. He pulled me into a room and then he closed it. I just stayed in silence, thinking why they would think that I wanted to damage those poor people. Then I remembered that the day before I had said that I ‘’had the solutions’’. If they thought that I was a ‘’witch’’, then it had to be true.
The days passed quickly: when they took me to the Amphitheatre, I saw a man with a sword. They put me near him and then he started walking to me, so I closed my eyes.
I am going to the Amphitheatre to fight, Laia. If I die, you must go on, OK?
OK, dad but that’s not going to happen! You will return!
‘Oh, so he died here… and I am going to die here too’, a voice in my mind said. I noticed something in my heart and a taste of something red in my mouth. I knew what it was. I knew that it was the end for me but I was happy and smiling because I was going to where mum and dad were. I left the mortal life behind to go somewhere that I didn’t know.

Laia Buendia 6èB


Era un dia molt solejat, on es decidia la meva vida, estava a l'antiga Tàrraco, a l'amfiteatre. Les grades eren plenes de gent aplaudint,  però el més important per a mi, era la meva armadura i la meva espasa. El meu contrincant era molt forçut, i era un gran lluitador (havia guanyat molts combats), en canvi jo, era menut i no havia agafat una espasa en tota la meva vida.
Quan estava entrant a l'amfiteatre passava per unes columnes molt blanques. Tenia al meu contrincant al costat, ell tenia una cara de tenir moltes ganes de guanyar, en canvi jo, no sabia perquè estava tant tranquil, si tenia vida o mort pel davant.
Quan vam entrar a la zona on es lluitava, la gent va començar a cridar i a aplaudir, i els pocs aficionats que jo tenia cridaven el meu nom i alçaven banderes.
La batalla va començar, i el rival ja venia corrent com una moto, jo em vaig apartar ,i de sobte em va donar un cop de puny a tota la cara. Em vaig caure, i per uns instants em vaig quedar al terra. L'emperador ja havia anunciat la mort i en sec van sortir uns 5 lleons cap a mi. Abans de que arribessin els lleons, vaig recordar la beguda que m'havia donat la meva mare, vaig fer un glop i...  aquí estic, a l'any 2018.                        
                                                                                                                 Gerard Gabarra  6è B

Gladiatrix llet de burra
Com  em penedeixo de trencar aquell maleït  càntir de llet. En qui moment la Senyora Elvia esposa de Vespasianus, se li va ocórrer banyar-se en llet de burra. Com a càstig, el Senyor, m’ha enviat a l’escola lanista.  Si soc una Gladiatrix, tinc que lluitar per primera vegada alTarracus Amfiteatre. Tinc els cabells de punta , menys mal que els protectors metàl·lics impedeixen que es vegin. Arrossego l’espassa que pesa com tants càntirs puc contar amb els dits de la ma. Estic preparada per lo pitjor.  Sento el bullici del públic, i unes portes de metall s’obren davant meu. Aix! Que caray, no veig tres en un burro, el sol es molt encegador .  Davant meu veig  la meva contrincant. Esta igual que jo. Té un ull tapat. Uy! Quina por. Els cabells ondulats i molt arrissats, es tant grassa com el porc dels veïns. Començo a caminar cap a ella arrossegant l’espassa. A poques passes d’ella sento els seus ossos tremolar. I les seves cames suen com el riu Gaia. Aixeco per damunt del cap la pesant espassa. Quant de sobte en un obrir i tancar d’ulls la vacona es cau de genolls demanant clemència. Amb sorpresa miro cap el púlpit per veure la decisió del Emperador. Ufff! No tinc que  executar – la,  sinó que ho farà el summa rudis, el àrbitre amb experiència com gladiador.
Gràcies a les meves aventures com a Gladiatrix,  el fill del Emperador, Dacio  es va quedar anonanat de la meva destresa amb l’espasa. Jo crec que va ser per la meva bellesa i cabellera pèl-roja. Em va concedir la  manumissió, o sigui, la meva llibertat i així obtenir la ciutadania romana i un espòs, en Dacio.
Ara  des de els meus pensaments, dins d’una banyera de plata plena de llet de burra  estic amb un bombo i casada amb un home que no estimo.

Leyre González Cogollor 6è B

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